Threshold Learning Center
After-School Kid's Club
The Kids Club After-school Program has been offered to Colo-Nesco students in grades 3-6 for over 12 years. They run in 4 sessions throughout the entire school year. Our daily activities start after school and include: playtime, snack, and homework/reading time, followed by themed programs.
Each theme includes on-going service learning projects, hands-on programs, and a Field Trip. Two of our biggest service-learning projects are the Community Garden and Project Angel. The community garden was planted to help teach local students about plant life, responsibility, and community service. Half of the produce is used by TLC groups and half is donated to a local homeless shelter.
Several studies have shown that when kids are supervised after school they tend to get into less trouble and do better in school. These studies also indicate a nurturing relationship with a caring adult mentor fosters better decision-making skills that can steer a child away from drug use, crime, and vandalism.
TLC consistently seeks grant monies to help reduce or even eliminate the cost of programs for those in need. For the past 5 years, United Way of Story County has been a big contributor, helping several families afford this great program. If you would like to help, please see our Support TLC page.
Join us during our Spring Kids Club Session! Simply fill out the registration form and send it in.